Monday, November 8, 2010

There's no such thing as perfection

As my last post says, ''Practice makes perfect.''  I was wrong; there's no such thing as perfect. I wish there was such thing as perfect, and I wish my pictures were that. I'm posting up my pictures today. I know they look kind of lousy, but I put time into it. I also put up an oil painting. I did it a few weeks ago. I hope you  like them.



  1. Madison, perfect is boring; originality is fun! It looks like you're having fun, even if you aren't getting the results you wanted. Ask Mommy or Daddy to tell you about how penicillin was discovered. I don't think its inventor was perfect, either.
    Love, Auntie

  2. I like your top picture, makes me think of cartoons on nickelodeon or disney when I was a kid. Always remember draw what you see =D.

  3. Hi Madison,
    I love your portrait drawings. I like that you have a big smile in the first one and the second one looks like you are being very thoughtful about something... maybe about drawing perhaps (?) Smile.

    I like the cube painting and the way that the different values demonstrate shading. Really nice work here! I would like to try one of these and post it so you can see. I don't have oils though. I will have to use acrylic paints.

    Keep up the great work!
